Heartgard Heartworm Disease-
It is one of the most common and dangerous canine illnesses. Your dog can get heartworm disease, whether he is an outside dog or even if he stays inside most of the time. Dogs get heartworm disease from mosquitoes. It is the female mosquito that bites and transmits the infections. Female mosquitoes are very tiny and can easily slip through cracks around windows, doors or screens. Every dog can be at risk, indoors or out.
Unfortunately, no dog, or breed of dog, is immune to heartworm disease. The mosquito that bites your dog could be carrying this common and deadly parasite. One bite from an infected mosquito is all it takes for your dog to become infected.
A simple blood test can determine if your dog has heartworms. If your dog gets heartworm disease, treatment is available. For more information see the following web site from the American Heartworm Society.
Preventative is available and Plantation Animal Hospital recommends Heartgard Plus made by Merial:
Check out the above web site for more detailed information about Heartgard. |